Sunday, May 25, 2008

A question

Today was beautiful. There were scattered thunderstorms predicted, but I didn't see them. I feel almost ready to move on, but I really like it here... I think I could stay for the whole two week maximum, but I kinda have places I want to be.

Does anyone know if I will be allowed to bring my collapsible ASP baton and bear mace into Canada? I was looking around on the internets and couldn't find anything specific about the baton since it is not a firearm or tobacco. It looked like bear mace might be allowed if I was planning to spend a lot of time in the woods. I checked on the legality of owning both in Canada, and I got the impression that they are in a gray area of being legal to own but not use... Maybe someone savvier or with a faster internet connection or more Canadian could respond? Thanks!


Anna said...

Bear mace yes. Baton no. Since you're a US citizen and can feign ignorance to the law, I would just put it in your saddle bag at the border crossing. A lone woman on a bike does not constitute a serious security risk so I can't imagine you'll have any problems. Try not to act all nervous and shady :)

Cara said...

I think bear mace is fine. My boyfriend and I crossed from Maine to Canada headed for Quebec a few days ago and were asked specifically if we had any bear mace.

I agree with Anna. Don't act shady and tuck it into the bottom of your bag. : )