Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blurg, Portland.

Portland was pretty tough to navigate, but I got some help from a bike map and some kindly strangers who directed me around the closed parts of the perfect-on-the-map bike trail. I went a bit out of my way to take the bike trails, rather than the regular streets, which were lovely and peaceful, but in retrospect I'm not sure they were worth the extra miles. Portland took so long that by the time I crossed the Columbia and got a few miles from Vancouver, I was pretty much done for the day. Some great people at a gas station in a small town outside of Vancouver racked their brains to think of a place I could camp, and they came up with a random semi-secluded road that they thought I could find a spot to put up tent on, but as I was heading through town to go check it out, I consulted my map and decided I was too too tired of riding. I went to the only hotel in town, which seems a bit seedy, but there is a deadbolt on the door, it seems clean, and it only cost half as much as last night's hotel. Tomorrow I will camp for reals, I swear...


jickehnrackee said...

I tried to use Yahoo maps to place you and you ended up in S.America. Geez slow down sister!

Anna said...

Based on the map... you are near Vancouvero. Sounds romantic! Hope it's better than Vancouver. That place sucks.