Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Shopping and sculptures

Tuesday, 5 August: Today I rode a few miles north to the Turin Bicycle Shop, which is, according to my cousin's co-worker, the best bike shop in the Chicago area. Technically, it is not actually in Chicago, but in Evanston. Although I have not been to any other bike shops around here, I'm gonna go ahead and believe him, because everyone there was all nice and helpful. I picked up a couple of things, then headed over to the Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park. It is a thin strip of greenspace a few miles long, running along the channel, that is occupied by a paved trail and a bunch of big sculptures. They were pretty cool, but I was totally not in a picture taking mood, so sorry... They were mostly metal, but there were other media as well-- some stone, wood, clay and ceramic.

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