Monday, August 3, 2009

More nothing.

On Friday night, I had the urge to go out, so I went down to the club to see what was going on.  It was a sadly dead Friday night-- I think there was a lot of competition around town that night.  I ended up finding myself in the uncomfortable position of really liking all of the musicians who played that night as people, but not really being into any of them as artists.  Kinda weird.

I watched a fascinating documentary last week called "Iron City Blues," about this crazy town in southern Tennessee where there is no law.  None.  There used to be a single police officer, but after he quit, they never found a replacement.  A Nashville blues singer went down there to make this documentary and write a blues song about the town, which is, of course, included in the film.  If you have 53 spare minutes, this is a decent way to spend them.

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