Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This trip continues to surprise me

I never ever ever ever never thought I would be lounging by a pool in Florida, COMPLETELY.  JEALOUS.  of the weather in Seattle.

I also never thought I would be a party to the perpetuation of the tooth fairy conspiracy.


jo said...

I had to give up the tooth fairy this week when I forgot to put the money under the pillow...I finally looked at Jonah and said..."what if the tooth fairy went the way of the Easter Bunny, and she forgot?" He got a big grin on his face and said, that's okay mom...I told him that we as parents have way more responsibilities than he could have ever imagined a few years ago. Besides, how many 10 year old's still believe in the tooth fairy, I don't want him to get beat up or anything!LOL

BettyR said...

Is it really THAT hot there?

cheri said...

Oh my stars, it's in the 90s and ultra humid every day. Which is on par with Tucson's dry 100s. Either one is too much for this pale northerner. Sometimes we go outside in the morning or evening, for a little while, but during midday, we thank our lucky stars that the walk to the pool is very short. Today I took out the garbage on the way to the pool, and it made the walk too long.

Ha ha, Jo, it was totally time to let that one go by the wayside. I didn't do much to perpetuate this particular fairy, but I did have to avoid walking through the trail of fairy dust (baking soda.) Today one of the boys announced that the fairy dust "tasted salty." I think he's going to be a scientist...

jo said...

Definitely a scientist! Kids that put unknown substances in their mouth's are destine for science...Right?
I don't envy that heat...I left the heat of the summer when I left CA 6 years ago. I didn't like being stuck in the house at all hours of the day only to leave at either the crack of dawn or in the evening in the mosquitoes. Yeah, dry heat...whatever makes it bearable! I may complain about the cold, but I can always put another layer of clothes on...at some point you can't take any more off!LOL