Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's day 150 on the road...

...and I quit. Temporarily, of course. I'm a little bummed that I didn't quite make 5000 miles before the break, but 4934.3 is pretty close. Painfully close.

Wednesday, 1 October: I rode easy today, with my only goal being to facilitate my salvation by getting closer to the DC metropolitan area, but not too close. The ride was mostly non-treacherous, thanks to a little advice from last night's hosts, who invited me in for breakfast and bathroom time this morning.

Once I got closer to the large population center, I parked my bum at a bar to wait for one of my oldest friends to arrive in her internal combustion-driven road machine to rescue me. I am really looking forward to taking a little bike break. Hopefully soon my muscles will stop being sore, those three brand-new aches that popped up yesterday will go away, and my enthusiasm will return. So you all can look forward to a time of sporadic, boring posts about bike maintenance, baking cookies, bus trips to New York City, and train trips to Montreal, while I look forward to a birthday dinner with my mom.


Susan and Jim said...

I'm so impressed, 150 days and almost 5000 miles. You've made it futher then we have in our motor home. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday and vacation from biking.


jo said...

I second that! Happy upcoming Birthday and a wonderful visit with your Mom and Newscat! You deserve the rest. Congrats!


Peg said...

Do have a very Happy Birthday! You should be extremely proud of yourself because you have accomplished something that very few us have or ever will. Do not do the negative thinking that you came up short. You did not. You went further than I think even you imagined when you started out. Look at all of the friends you have met. Look at all of the good you have brought out in people. You gave so many a chance to show what being "human" really means. And you shared that with the rest of us giving us renewed hope that there are a lot of good people out there and taken one at a time, people are pretty decent. You may not have made the miles you wanted, but you made up for that in the smiles you generated. You rock!!!!!!